Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pretty Girls

Dear Abigail,

I never seem to get tired of taking pictures of you because you are always so pretty.  Sometimes you're pretty because you're laughing.  Sometimes it's because of your cheeks.  Sometimes it's your eyes.  Sometimes it's because you look like a doll.  Sometimes it's because your hair is so amazing.  Lots of different reasons.  I suspect, though, that your beauty really has more to do with your sweetness and laughter.  And you are beautiful because I love you.


Saturday, February 9, 2013



You are a cuddler.  Benjamin rarely settled down for more than a second or two before he was off somewhere else or changing position.  You, on the other hand, would settle in.  And we just loved that.

You also gave "head butts of love" as we called them.  You would lean over with your head and give us a gentle bump.

So yes, you are a cuddler.  And we just love that.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012



When you were little we had a cat named Miles.  We got him from your Uncle Dan and Auntie Kate because they couldn't have him in the house any more.  I mention Miles in particular because you surely won't remember him whereas I hope Amos will be around for a good long while (and Obadiah too if he can survive all that sniffling and sneezing.)  So anyways, you loved to see the cats, but particularly Miles, I think.  He was very poofy and pretty docile.  You got so excited to reach out your hand and pet him.  I'll try to find a picture of him for you.


Saturday, September 8, 2012



You are sitting with your mom on the patio of Keegan's Irish Pub in Minneapolis, MN.  It was on this very patio that I met your poppi.  And because I met him there, I met your mom.  And because I met her, I fell in love with her and we got married.  And after we got married?  Well then it was time to have wonderful babies like you and Benjamin!  And by the time you know how to read, I'll bet that you have more brothers or sisters.  I sure hope so, because we love you soooo much!!!


Sunday, September 2, 2012



If you look closely there you'll see two teeth!  I'm not sure if we've got a picture when you had just one.  So much the better because you are so pretty in this picture!!  You suffered a bit each time a tooth came in.  Putting on Orajel helped, but you hated it!  You screamed like the dickens every time I put it on. But in the long run it always worked out better that way.


Monday, August 13, 2012



This is your cousin Andrew.  He loves kids.  He was tickled pink to have the chance to spend time with you.  I think your're pretty blessed to have a cousin like him.  You have other cousins too.  Andrew's brother Christopher, who was also pretty excited to see you, and Sean, who is just a year older than you and probably didn't much notice you one way or the other.  As I write this for you there is another cousin on the way!  Sean will have a baby brother soon and you won't be the baby of the family any more.  :)


Saturday, July 21, 2012



You were a very good little girl in the grocery store.  You didn't kick up a fuss about anything that I can recall.  Well, I did have to keep you more than an arm's length from all those interesting things on the shelves.  But you were just being curious and certainly not trying to make trouble.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Up to Minnesota


In July you, Mom and Benjamin went up to Minnesota to visit family, including some of my cousins.  I missed out because of a wedding or funeral.  Boo.  But I did get to see some pictures.  Maybe Mom can write a little more about this trip (and track down a picture of your cousins!)


Thursday, June 28, 2012

In the Car

My sweet Abigail,

My recollection is that you were very good in the car.  Well, unless it was nap time.  If you wanted to be sleeping then being in the car was a bit of a sore spot for you.  At least when you were younger.  But you really did moan and holler otherwise.  This picture shows you on Mom's lap and I'm pretty sure you weren't going anywhere.  Later on, in the Spring of your second year, I would put you on my lap to go to the mailbox if it was raining or cold.  I'd even let you steer a little bit.  You seemed to like it.  I sure did.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Other Babies

Abigail Rose,

You didn't see a whole lot of other babies in the first few months of your life.  I think this might have been the first time you got to spend time with another one.  His name was Spencer and he was the son of one of Mommy's best friends.  You had so much fun playing with him.  It gladdened my heart to see you being so good at playing with another baby.  You were happy and friendly and oh such a good girl!


Friday, April 13, 2012



Just look at tiny you with the little afro!  So beautiful.  Oh, and there's your Poppi there too.  He loved to be down to see you and Benjamin and to spend time with you.  Now, your mom and I were pretty strict on the whole electronic usage, so you didn't get to look at the computer or TV much.  But Poppi would was the exception to the rule.  He liked to let you both be amazed by the various things on his iPad: games, music, videos...  I have a feeling that he'll spoil you in years to come.  We shall see!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Auntie Rachel and Gungor


This is your Auntie Rachel.  She's my older sister, kind of like Benjamin is your older brother.  She was very happy to meet you face to face (and I think this was the first time.)  We stopped by to see her in Mankato on our way to the Twin Cities.  Your mom and I were taking a long weekend to got see a concert.  The band's name was Gungor and it was very good!  You stayed home with your Mim and Poppi, so you'll have to go to a Gungor concert some other time.  :)


Saturday, February 11, 2012

One Month

So, little Abigail,

You were just shy of a month when this picture was taken.  Your Auntie Patience had just gotten a nice camera for Christmas and brought it down so that some nicer pictures could be taken of you for a birth announcement.  It was all a bit of a rush because we forgot to take the pictures until they were planning to leave, so we rushed and got things ready.  You're laying down because you couldn't hold yourself up yet and we didn't want any of our arms in the picture.


Thursday, January 19, 2012



You were such a little bundle!  I always loved wrapping you in this particular swaddling cloth.  It matched your hair and complexion.  It was also just a little bit bigger so that it was just a little bit harder for you to wriggle your arms out through the top.  You always did it anyways.  You had a knack for getting free!  And believe me, I wrapped you tightly!
